Love, Grow, Serve

Pastor Steve Sindelar leads our mighty passel of lovable teenagers (grades 7-12).

Yep, they’re Millennials. They love video games, iPads, mp3 players, food and sports as much as any other teenager, but these teens are set apart—destined to do great things for God’s Kingdom and His glory.

Want more information? Download our Grace Youth brochure (PDF).


LIGHT is our theme. Some might call it our mission. What does the acrostic mean? We’ll let you read for yourself…

  • Love for God and others
  • Intentional for Christ’s Advantage
  • Growing as disciples and disciple-makers
  • Have this mind in you: Serve
  • Thankfulness in word and example

Ministry Values

We are teenagers that are passionate about God, eager to realize our potential in Christ, and looking to serve others. We strive to:

Love God

God loved us enough to send His son to die for us. It is not hard to WANT to love God, but most don’t know how to REALLY love Him. Thankfully, God tells us how in the Bible. Come to Youth Group and learn for yourself.

Grow in Christ

We all are growing, but what are we growing into? God gave us an example in His Son, Jesus. Youth Group is a place that encourages growth in Christ! We are teenagers that are passionate about God, eager to realize our potential in Christ, and looking to serve others.

Serve Others

Service is a result of loving God (and understanding His love for you) and Christlikeness. Be around us enough and you’ll see we are intentional about serving others!

Pastor Steve & Charla

Pastor Steve Sindelar leads the teens at Grace. He has a tremendous passion for the souls of young people and a unique ability to connect with teens. He loves music and gadgets. Rumor has it he was a teenager once.

Charla serves alongside her husband in youth ministry, working with teens and helping with special events. She’s even been known to pound out a song or two on the piano when the need arises.

Pastor Steve’s Bio